The link below takes you to one of my favorite bloggers, Canning Granny. Not only does she share an over abundance of canning wisdom, but this particular blog post covers a topic that I've been struggling with for so long - when people say, "I know where I'm going when the (insert disaster here) happens!"
For those who are of Christian faith, this will be a familiar story, for those who walk a different path, this is still a very relevant post. Please take the time to read it, Canny Granny took the words right out of my mouth. Till next time, y'all!
A native New Yorker attempts to navigate life in the Deep South while learning about Southern cooking and culture, canning, shooting, prepping and having various mishaps along the way.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Bringing Home Baby - Introducing our new arrival
I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest member of our growing family for just over a year now. There was moments when I thought she'd never come home and times when I had some serious doubts on if it was the right choice, or if there was a less expensive option out there that would be just as good.
(record scratch)
I know what you're probably thinking....A less expensive option that would be just as good? What are you talking about?! How can you say that about a baby??? No my friends, it's not an actual baby (human or 4 legged) but the other kind of baby that tends to be just as doted on in this's my newest firearm. Not just any gun, but the semi automatic handgun that I have been heavily lusting after for over a year because it seemed to ideally suited for concealed carry. I am proud to announce the arrival of my newest, cherished baby:
Shortly after purchasing my first semi automatic handgun, my Sig Sauer P250 compact, it became apparent that despite having an in the waistband (IWB) holster and an on the waistband(OWB) holster that concealing that particular gun on my frame was a very tall order. It is an excellent gun for home defense, and I do wear it holstered on my person when I'm home, but only in the dead of winter (for the 2-3 weeks of actual winter we get here) could I hope to conceal it on my frame under a heavy winter coat, and even then it was iffy. It's not that I don't love Siggy, or that she's less important to me now that Kahrina has come home, it's more a matter of choosing the right gun for the job.
As I was laid up for several months with a neck injury that took me off the shooting range entirely, I began doing a lot of research. I'd seen the Kahr PM40 in person and was very impressed with it's overall size and slim profile. The clerk at the gun counter warned me about 2 things: it bucks like a bronco, and the spring is so tight that you need to run at least 200 hundred rounds through it before relying on it for everyday carry. (that's a recommendation from the manufacturer) I looked at other gun manufacturers to see what their reviews and specifications were like. I went through KelTec, Ruger, Diamondback, Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Glock and Sig Sauer and handled all of them at gun shows and gun shops. My wishlist was very specific: I really, really, really wanted to stay with a .40 caliber both because it's the same type of ammo as 2 of our other guns, and my personal preference leans towards larger calibers. (Who, me? A caliber queen? Well, yeah.) The dimensions of the gun were another huge deciding factor for me - when I say I have a small frame I'm not kidding - at my absolute heaviest I'm 120 pounds at 5'7" and very small boned. Many guns that can conceal on someone with a more athletic or curvier frame will print on my frame unless I'm dressed in ultra baggy clothes and over-sized business clothes (which is primarily what my wardrobe consists of during the week) do not lend themselves to an overall professional appearance. So the gun needed to be very slim, and very small. Did I mention trigger pull? That was also a "must have" on my wishlist - my Sig has a very long trigger pull and for my carry weapon I wanted something that a trigger pull more along the lines of a Glock - short and smooth. Quality, craftsmanship and a good reputation were also important to me. I hated the way some of the guns felt
It kept coming back to Kahr, who offered everything I wanted: an easily concealable, well made gun that offered the right caliber with a nice trigger pull. Last year Santa Bear brought me a beast of a crossbow, this year I was really hoping he'd bring me the Kahr CW40. As it turns out, I didn't have to wait till Christmas!
We stopped off at our local gun store Thanksgiving weekend to pick up some ammo and targets before heading to the range. They had the Kahr PM40 and the Kahr CW40 both in stock and Bear encouraged me to look at them both again for a true side by side comparison. The next thing I knew, I was filling out the paperwork to take my new baby home, home on the raaaaaange... oh the range that was closed on that daaaaaaaay... Yep. Wouldn't you know it? Brand new gun that I've been dying to get my grubby paws on, and the range was closed. I had to content myself with shooting a few rounds on our property since it's bad luck not to shoot a gun the day you get it. Or at least that's what Bear tells me. Any excuse to go shooting is a good one to me! Stiff spring aside (and oh, the joys of trying to disassemble her in order to clean and lube her could be a post all its own) she's everything I wanted. Good solid weight in my hand, comfortable grip, good deep grooves on the slide for easier racking, shorter trigger pull and she disappears on my frame. Just melts away into the background like she's not even there. For those curious, I did not think the recoil was anywhere near as bad as people had led me to believe - even online video reviews stated that it felt like shooting a .45 - I respectfully disagree. Yes, it has a decent amount of recoil to it, however if it's really that much of an issue Kahr offers a recoil reducing barrel for the CW40 that you can switch out with the standard barrel.
I'll post a more thorough review of the Kahr CW40 after she's been thoroughly put through her paces at the range where we'll go over the sights, accuracy, trigger pull, recoil and overall performance after our next range day - which will hopefully be this coming Saturday! But until then, I'll keep practicing racking that slide and taking lots of baby pictures...sniffle...they grow up so fast!
Best Christmas present EVER! The picture below says it all:
Till next time, y'all!
(record scratch)
I know what you're probably thinking....A less expensive option that would be just as good? What are you talking about?! How can you say that about a baby??? No my friends, it's not an actual baby (human or 4 legged) but the other kind of baby that tends to be just as doted on in this's my newest firearm. Not just any gun, but the semi automatic handgun that I have been heavily lusting after for over a year because it seemed to ideally suited for concealed carry. I am proud to announce the arrival of my newest, cherished baby:
Which one is it? Oh, the suspense!!! |
As I was laid up for several months with a neck injury that took me off the shooting range entirely, I began doing a lot of research. I'd seen the Kahr PM40 in person and was very impressed with it's overall size and slim profile. The clerk at the gun counter warned me about 2 things: it bucks like a bronco, and the spring is so tight that you need to run at least 200 hundred rounds through it before relying on it for everyday carry. (that's a recommendation from the manufacturer) I looked at other gun manufacturers to see what their reviews and specifications were like. I went through KelTec, Ruger, Diamondback, Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Glock and Sig Sauer and handled all of them at gun shows and gun shops. My wishlist was very specific: I really, really, really wanted to stay with a .40 caliber both because it's the same type of ammo as 2 of our other guns, and my personal preference leans towards larger calibers. (Who, me? A caliber queen? Well, yeah.) The dimensions of the gun were another huge deciding factor for me - when I say I have a small frame I'm not kidding - at my absolute heaviest I'm 120 pounds at 5'7" and very small boned. Many guns that can conceal on someone with a more athletic or curvier frame will print on my frame unless I'm dressed in ultra baggy clothes and over-sized business clothes (which is primarily what my wardrobe consists of during the week) do not lend themselves to an overall professional appearance. So the gun needed to be very slim, and very small. Did I mention trigger pull? That was also a "must have" on my wishlist - my Sig has a very long trigger pull and for my carry weapon I wanted something that a trigger pull more along the lines of a Glock - short and smooth. Quality, craftsmanship and a good reputation were also important to me. I hated the way some of the guns felt
It kept coming back to Kahr, who offered everything I wanted: an easily concealable, well made gun that offered the right caliber with a nice trigger pull. Last year Santa Bear brought me a beast of a crossbow, this year I was really hoping he'd bring me the Kahr CW40. As it turns out, I didn't have to wait till Christmas!
Ta-Daaaaaah! Aw, look at her all snug in her bed! |
We stopped off at our local gun store Thanksgiving weekend to pick up some ammo and targets before heading to the range. They had the Kahr PM40 and the Kahr CW40 both in stock and Bear encouraged me to look at them both again for a true side by side comparison. The next thing I knew, I was filling out the paperwork to take my new baby home, home on the raaaaaange... oh the range that was closed on that daaaaaaaay... Yep. Wouldn't you know it? Brand new gun that I've been dying to get my grubby paws on, and the range was closed. I had to content myself with shooting a few rounds on our property since it's bad luck not to shoot a gun the day you get it. Or at least that's what Bear tells me. Any excuse to go shooting is a good one to me! Stiff spring aside (and oh, the joys of trying to disassemble her in order to clean and lube her could be a post all its own) she's everything I wanted. Good solid weight in my hand, comfortable grip, good deep grooves on the slide for easier racking, shorter trigger pull and she disappears on my frame. Just melts away into the background like she's not even there. For those curious, I did not think the recoil was anywhere near as bad as people had led me to believe - even online video reviews stated that it felt like shooting a .45 - I respectfully disagree. Yes, it has a decent amount of recoil to it, however if it's really that much of an issue Kahr offers a recoil reducing barrel for the CW40 that you can switch out with the standard barrel.
I'll post a more thorough review of the Kahr CW40 after she's been thoroughly put through her paces at the range where we'll go over the sights, accuracy, trigger pull, recoil and overall performance after our next range day - which will hopefully be this coming Saturday! But until then, I'll keep practicing racking that slide and taking lots of baby pictures...sniffle...they grow up so fast!
That is one pretty, pretty baby. |
Best Christmas present EVER! The picture below says it all:
Till next time, y'all!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Buying Local - A trip to the farmers markets
A day well spent - locally grown SC produce and products |
The past several weeks of work have been unbelievably busy. A client visit, audits, a job fair, catering for the client visit, our annual fund raiser wrap up, the company picnic - all in addition to my regular work load. It's left me with less coherent thoughts than I'd like at the end of any given day, and many attempts at blog posts lately seem more like sleep deprived ramblings. This weekend was the first weekend I had 2 days off in a row in what feels like forever.
Much as the bed called to me sweetly and sang siren songs of snug little naps, Bear and I headed out to the farmer's market in Florence, SC. Sweet potatoes are in season and there's nothing better than fresh sweet potatoes straight from the local farms...blame it on those adorable baskets they come in, but one basket sitting by its lonesome just seemed sad so we got two. Which equals 20 very generous pounds of sweet potatoes - one guess as to what I'm canning as I type. The Collard Greens looked glorious, big, leafy, just the right shade of green and we'd just gone through our first frost (which improves their taste, oddly enough) so I grabbed a bunch of those for Thanksgiving dinner. Then the apples beckoned with their shiny colorful skins and you can't say no to fresh apples that look so beautiful. Especially not when Bear and my Mama have both requested my Caramel Apple Pie for dessert. They deserve farm fresh, just picked apples for their pie so that's what they got. Pounds and pounds of them. About 7 apples will end up in the actual pie, the rest will be turned into pie filling, canned, and stashed away in our food storage along with the many, many jars of sweet potatoes. Currently we have 20 pint jars and 7 quart jars and there's still many more waiting to be canned. I think I may have a produce problem. Is there a support group for that? How do you tell when someone is produce drunk and needs to be cut off? We also ended up with a lovely ornamental cabbage plant with stunning shades of purple in it for only $2.00. In hindsight, we should have gotten several more.
After the farmers market we headed south and stopped off at Abbott Farms where they have some of the absolute best fruit ciders anywhere in the history of mankind. The white peach cider is to die for, the blueberry is delightful, and then there's the apple pie cider. We haven't tried it yet, but we needed it in our lives. I also needed a small bottle of the strawberry cider because...well, just because. In addition to their ciders, they carry homemade ice creams, sodas, breads, preserves, canned produce, sauces, salsas, handmade soaps - it's like one stop shopping for every foodie on your holiday gift list. Plus, they have samples that change daily, so we got to sample two new ciders, blueberry preserves, peach salsa and I forget what else, but it was all really, really good. The peach soap they make smells just like a ripe peach and looked too pretty to leave sitting by the register so we got a bar of that too. Looking back, it might not have been such a bad idea to get a few more bars...
After loading our box of goodies from Abbott Farms we admired our haul nestled happily in the back of the SUV. We rode contentedly back towards home, high from our food sampling and the promise of more good food to come until Bear, my voice of reason, piped up with, "Do we have enough mason jars to can all this food with?" Off to the local restaurant supply we went, where we scouted for prepper essentials and ended up with 4 cases of mason jars, and a few miscellaneous odds and ends we needed for our preps. Now that I see how many sweet potatoes are left, all the apples, and the collard greens (the remainder of which will be canned) I'm thinking maybe we could have gotten another case or two of jars...
In upcoming posts I'll be sharing how I can sweet potatoes (slightly different from other methods) and my caramel apple pie and bacon-bacon bourbon pecan pie recipes, providing we can get a picture of them before they disappear. I hope you were able to spend your weekend enjoying all the delights of this season and finding some new things to be thankful for. As for me, I'm thankful for my (always hectic, often stressful) job that allows me to support local businesses and farms, and for my family, who always appreciates the fruits of my evidenced by how fast food disappears around here.
Till next time, y'all! Oh - and if you happen to go to a farmers market in the near future, could you pick me up just a few pounds of apples? I forgot to grab some for making applesauce. Just 10 pounds or so ought to do it.
autumnal foods,
buy local,
Collard Greens,
fall recipes,
farmers markets,
food storage,
mason jars,
Southern Cooking,
sweet potatoes,
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Prepping for Beginners Part II - Planning and starting your food storage
In my last post, I covered the basics of food storage
items. Now that you have a better
idea of how to protect your food for long term storage, let’s talk about
starting your food storage. When
we first started prepping, I got discouraged by how little we had
stored. It was very tempting to
dip into our savings and order the freeze dried meals sold in plastic buckets
just to feel like we had a more substantial start for our food stores. I was ready to order a hand grinder and
wheat berries so I’d be able to grind our own wheat to make bread with…Then I
realized that they weren’t the right choices for our family. We don’t eat a lot of whole grain bread
because it upsets my stomach. I
don’t know the first thing about grinding wheat into flour. The freeze dried meals didn’t seem to
have a lot of protein in them, and they weren’t terribly budget friendly. The smart preppers, the ones who’ve
been doing this for a good long while, said this: Look at what you and your
family eats currently and start building your food storage around that. An emergency survival situation is not
the time to suddenly discover you hate freeze dried beef teriyaki, or that
sprouted wheat is just about the worst thing you’ve ever tasted. Do NOT fool yourself into thinking,
“Well, if we’re hungry enough, we’ll eat it.” Yes, you may eat it because it’s all that’s available however
the point of food storage isn’t just to have enough food to see you through an
emergency or survival situation, but to have things that are nutritious, as
well as familiar and comforting. There
will be enough upheaval in your life already without introducing new and
unfamiliar foods into the mix. There
may be a time when you have to, but if you can keep some of the familiar foods
you’re used to in your storage, it can make life that much easier. This is especially true for families
with young children, or picky eaters.
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It's only a good deal if you've already tried it and know you and your family will eat it. |
The second daunting aspect of starting our food storage was
realizing how much was needed for just one person, for a full year. We’re not talking luxury items, but the
bare bones: 400 pounds of grains, 120 pounds of legumes, 16 pounds of powdered
milk, 10 quarts cooking oil, 60 pounds of sugar or honey and 8 pounds salt. Now multiply that for a family of
4. Breathe, deep breaths, don’t
panic. I know those calculations
probably just made your head spin, they certainly made mine at first. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to get
everything all at once, and it doesn’t make sense to start storing large
amounts of items that your family has never eaten before. Get some of those buckets with freeze
dried meals as a back up or to help supplement your food stores if you really
want to, but shop for your storage the same way you’d shop to stock your kitchen
pantry. We keep a spreadsheet of
what we have in our food stores, and it’s customized to what WE eat. Bear likes canned ravioli, so if it’s
coming up towards the “best by” date, we purchase more to replace the old, and
he takes a can to lunch with him.
For example, under the “heat and eat” section, our spreadsheet might
look something like this:
Heat & Eat Canned
Servings Per
Serving Size
# of Cans
Caloric Total
Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli
1 Cup
Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Italian Sausage Ravioli
1 Cup
Chef Boyardee Chili Mac
1 Cup
Chef Boyardee Jumbo Spaghetti & Meatballs
1 Cup
Spaghetti & Meatballs (Aldi Brand)
1 Cup
Heat & Eat Total Calories
To calculate how long this would last, we factor our daily
caloric intake at 1,500 calories a day.
Most recommendations state 2,000 calories a day, but we typically tend
to eat less than that, so we’ve modified our calculations to reflect that. We divide the total calories by 1,500. Then we divide by the number of people
in our household. That resulting
number would be how many days worth of food you have. Keep in mind that this isn’t the end all, be all to our food
storage, but an example of one way we started building ours with store bought
canned goods that were on sale. (prepper
tip: write the expiration dates on the tops of your cans in permanent marker so
you can easily see when you need to start rotating your canned goods out into
your regular pantry.) We have
separate sections in our spreadsheet for legumes, grains, pantry essentials,
meat, and other items that are in our normal, every day diets to include large
cans of collard greens and sweet potatoes. (Because we’re Southern preppers, after all!) I even have a section for spices and
bouillon. If you were one person,
and Hurricane Sandy were to hit tomorrow, you could hole up in your apartment
and have enough food for 11 days with just the above section. You might be sick of Chef Boyardee by
the end of it, but it beats digging through a dumpster to find food.
I’ve learned how to pressure can meat, and feel so much
better knowing we have tasty, fresh chicken (or beef, pork or venison) to
enjoy. I eat oatmeal at least 3
times a week, so it’s in my food storage.
I have regular all purpose flour stored in mylar bags inside my food
grade buckets, because I’d rather work with what I know, than be faced with
having to work with hand grinding wheat berries to make bread, tortillas and
baked goods. We included brown
sugar in addition to regular sugar to our storage since we use it quite
often. Take advantage of the buy
one, get one free sales at your local grocery store, and don’t forget the buy
one, get one sales on vitamins and supplements to add into your food storage as
well; price match at Walmart, coupon like a crazy person, and watch how your
food stores start to add up. Carve
a little bit out of your budget to purchase items in bulk whenever possible –
powdered milk, for example. We got
a great deal on a 14 pound bucket of powdered milk from Amazon and added 21,140
calories to our food storage.
That’s 2 weeks worth of life sustaining calories for 1 person if they
were to live off the milk alone. I buy generic or store brand items and
with the savings I buy extra cans or bags of beans, rice, etc. to put into our storage. The point is, start storing what you
already eat and know how to prepare.
Another trick that saved my sanity was to set smaller, short
term goals for food storage. The
ultimate goal is to have enough food to provide for our family for a full year
if not more, but it’s so hard to feel like you’re making progress when you’re
looking at a goal that large. Rome
wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your food storage. Set small goals: enough food for a
week, enough food for 1 month, enough food for 3 months, enough food for 6
months, etc. Each time we’ve hit
one of our short term goals, it felt like a victory and we breathed a little
easier knowing we at least had that much in our stores. For us, it's become a way of life - every trip to the grocery store includes buying items that will be added into or used to replenish what's in our food storage. Now that it's become a habit, it's much easier to keep up with, and we're able to focus on filling in any gaps in our storage, or continuing to increase it with a tactical shopping plan, ie, we're good on canned tomatoes, but we could use more canned potatoes. Then we know what to shop for, and in my case, what I'll need to can in bulk.
Now that you have an idea of how much of the basics one person needs to survive for a year and some general ideas on things you can include in your
own food storage to make the hard times a little easier, get on out there and
start prepping!
Till next time, y’all!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Prepping for Beginners Part I – An intro into the basics of food preservation items
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NYC's Lower East Side 96 hours after Hurricane Sandy - dumpster diving for food. |
There is an abundance of information and products out there
for people who are into preparedness.
For a beginner, all the information and all those different products can
become overwhelming. After
witnessing people digging through a dumpster of spoiled food just 96 hours
after Hurricane Sandy hit, I’m glad I stuck to it and continued prepping. But for the novice prepper, those who
are just dipping their toes into these waters, it can sometimes almost seem
like a different language is being spoken. In today’s post, we’re going to cover some of the most
common items I ran across when researching food storage and demystify them for
the absolute novice, as well as covering where to find some of these items
without overpaying.
Food grade buckets
You know what they are, plastic buckets
that are rated safe to store food in.
I wasn’t mystified as to what they were so much as where to get
them. The prices online seemed
incredibly high for a 5 or 6 gallon bucket. On a whim, we went to Lowes where we discovered 5 gallon
food grade buckets MUCH cheaper than anywhere on the internet. We got the buckets and matching lids
for under $4 each. Check the local
hardware or big box stores near you for these items – just make sure they’re
food grade.
![]() |
A 5 Gallon Food Grade Bucket - Stackable and essential for protecting your investment |
Mylar bags
The only time I’d heard of mylar was for
balloons. Mylar bags come in
different thicknesses and sizes; their purpose is to help protect your dry
goods such as rice, grains, sugar, etc. from degrading due to exposure to pantry
pests, light and oxygen.
Typically, you place your mylar bags of food inside of your food grade
buckets for long term storage. The
recommended thickness is 5 mil, thinner than that can let light into the bag
and shorten the shelf life of your food.
I tend to use the 1 gallon sized bags over the 5 gallon bags as we live
in the South, and I don’t want to expose more of my food to the elements than
necessary. So we package
everything into 1 gallon bags and use a bag at a time while ensuring that the
rest of the rice or beans or whatever remains fresh.
You seal them by using heat – there are specially made
sealers or you can use the PracticalPrepper2000 – also known as a clothes iron
set on the nylon setting. Works
just as well, and it’s a lot cheaper. I’ve also heard that a flat iron works very well, but I’m not
willing to experiment with my Chi flat iron! Before you seal your mylar bags, you will need to add in…
Oxygen Absorbers
These a magical thing to me, as I cannot
scientifically explain their chemical make up or what makes them work. All I can tell you is they suck out all
the oxygen from your mylar bags and makes for an airtight seal. No oxygen means no bugs, and your food
stays fresher for longer. They
come in different cc’s – I use 300 ccs in my 1 gallon mylar bags; after 24
hours you’ll notice that the bags look like they’ve been shrink wrapped – this
is great, it means the oxygen absorbers are doing their thing!
The best prices on mylar bags and oxygen absorbers that we’ve
found has been on Amazon, and I take advantage of the free shipping whenever
possible. Some sellers sell the
bags and the absorbers together, which is a great thing as you will want to use
ALL your oxygen absorbers once you open the bag they’re in, or they loose
potency. We generally build up a
supply of dry goods that need to go into the bags and then I fill the bags
assembly line style, once all the bags are filled I open the pack of oxy
absorbers and then quickly seal them with the clothes iron.
Mason jars
You all know what they are, but did you know
you could store DRY goods in them?
I use pint sized canning jars when I’m storing dry foods, add in an
oxygen absorber, put the lid and ring on and get the delightful sound of my jar
“pinging” – ensuring that I have an airtight seal until they’re opened for
use. I use pint sized jars for
storing bouillon, many preppers use quart sized jars and layer freeze dried or
dehydrated foods (like peppers, onions, celery, spices, beans and rice) all
into one jar for a quick and easy meal ready to be reconstituted. We have a local restaurant supply store
that has the lowest price on mason jars, but even our local Lowes runs specials
on them during canning season (usually in the fall where we live).
Of course, you can also use your mason jars to pressure can,
which is what I use mine most often for.
Speaking of pressure canning…
![]() |
The Pressure Canner
Pressure canners are really far less
intimidating than you think. I was
scared to get one, then scared to use it, because I’d heard horror stories of
mishaps with them. But they are an
essential part of prepping in my opinion, and you’re able to can just about
everything with them – veggies, sauces, fruits, even meat. Especially meat! I won’t knock dehydrated or freeze
dried meats, because a protein source is critical for survival, but I would
much rather have canned meat any day of the week. There are guidelines to follow, and methods to canning meat,
and they must be followed to the letter if you want to ensure it’ll be safe for
consumption later on. The Canning
Granny is a wealth of information on all things canning, and a google search
will also bring up the recommended process of canning your items at the correct
time and pressure for your altitude.
Most canners come with an instruction book that will also provide you
with this information. For those
of you with pets, you can also can your own pet food – remember that
preparedness should also extend to our four legged family members, too! My Mama sent me my Presto pressure
canner (Megalodon) from Amazon, and I love it.
There are a lot of things I’m deliberately not covering in
this post, since the goal was to go over the bare bones of food preservation
and explain the uses for the various things you will see on many prepper
related sites without completely overwhelming you. Remember – you can’t eat the whole cow in one sitting, but
you can eat the whole cow if you have it preserved properly!
Till next time, y’all!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Autumnal Stuffed Squash
Nights like this I really enjoy, because the house is quiet
and dinner can be a slow, unhurried affair. Bear won’t be home until much later in the evening, and I
can take my time to prepare dinner and experiment with a new recipe I found, or
one I decided to make up. I picked
up an acorn squash while grocery shopping even though I had never prepared one
before and couldn’t recall eating one.
A quick Google search pointed me towards butter and brown sugar. That seemed like a good starting point and
so off to the pantry to see what else might be lurking. Raisins, dried cranberries, where are those pecans? Oh yeah, they went into the bacon bourbon pecan pie and praline chicken. Walnuts it is then!
My Gram taught me a lot about cooking,
and she never really measured anything (unless she was baking) – it was always
an approximate guess as to how much of any given thing we were throwing into
the pot. Since we can’t be in my
kitchen together, I did a pictorial step by step instead. Because I love you that much, but not
enough to show you pictures of my ancient oven, which I preheated at 400 degrees.
Then bring the rest of the knife down and around the whole
Use a spoon to scoop out the pulp and seeds. If you love acorn squash, consider
saving some of those seeds to dry out & plant.
Score the squash with the tip of your knife taking care not to cut all the way through the skin.
Now it’s ready for some really good stuff! Meet our co-conspirators: raisins,
cranberries, and walnuts. They
heard it was a party, so they brought their good friends sea salt cinnamon,
nutmeg, ginger (she was camera shy) brown sugar, and black pepper. I like to pre-soak the raisins in hot
water so they plump up and don’t dry out during baking. About 10-15 minutes will do it. They’re relaxing in their hot bath in
this picture.
Drain the raisins, and add about 2 healthy tablespoons of
butter, and melt in the microwave.
Obviously, by healthy tablespoons I mean heaping. Butter’s not healthy, but it’s oh so
While the butter is melting, I like to mix about 1/3 of a
cup of brown sugar with my spices to ensure they’re all evenly
distributed. Reserve about a quarter of the brown sugar and spice mixture, and add in the rest of your sugar to the melted butter and raisins, then add the cranberries and walnuts.
How yummy does that look? Seriously, look at all that goodness swimming in butter and brown sugar!
Fill the squash with the mixture. It's OK if you get some syrup on the squash, it likes that.
Pour a 1/4 cup of water into the bottom of the pan, and liberally sprinkle the flesh of the squash with the remaining sugar and spice.
Loosely cover pan with foil and pop into the oven for about an hour, or until you're able to pierce the flesh easily with a fork.
Now would be about the time would be admiring a picture of the cooked and ready to eat squash, except my camera decided to eat that picture. Guess it got a little hungry taking all those photos.
The stuffing turned out delicious, and I'll be using it again to top home made mashed sweet potatoes in individual ramekins and as a stuffing for butternut squash. All of which are wonderful sides for Thanksgiving, or with praline chicken or cranberry pork loin (recipes to follow in future posts).
Enjoy! Till next time y'all!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
S.O.Bees! The Welcome Committee From Hell
This is a little embarrassing to admit, but I’m a terrible
wimp. Snakes don’t scare me, mice
and rats don’t bother me in the least, and even spiders aren’t a cause for
undue alarm but when it comes to flying insects, especially anything that
stings, I am the biggest wimp ever.
Over the years, this has been a source of chagrin for me, and a source
of amusement for bystanders as I let out a whoop, bend at the waist and go
running like some crazed duck doing a demented Three Stooges impression. “Woo, woo, woo, woo, woooooo! Nyyaaaaarrrr!!!” There’s no logic to ducking down and
running, it’s not as if going lower will somehow magically evade their radar,
and the noises, well…those are involuntary. And often louder than I intend. That whole involuntary thing again, ya know?
I was prepared for Palmetto bugs when we moved to South
Carolina, having encountered them from my time spent in New Orleans. Giant roaches, that’s all they are. And while they freak me out due to just
how inordinately creepy they are, I know they can’t actually hurt me. Give me nightmares, yes, but hurt me,
no. I knew we’d have stinging
insects here, already met a fire ant and learned just why they’re called that as
we were house hunting (give the phrase “feel the burn” a whole new meaning) and
figured bugs were bugs where ever you went.
Clearly, I was delusional. At no point did it enter my mind to consider the possibility
that if the Palmetto bugs get as big as a small pony, that the other insects
would as well. Somehow, that line
of thinking escaped me completely until we’d bought our home and I was spending
some time painting the bedroom. It
was a mild day; the front door was open and the storm door closed. As I’m painting, there’s a tapping, as
if someone gently rapping, rapping on my closed storm door. “Just a moment” I call, then….nothing
more. Again as I paint the wall,
wondering who it was that called, I hear the tapping, tapping of someone at my
closed storm door. “One minute” I
call, as I cease to paint the wall and greet the visitor who is still tapping,
still insistently rapping, rapping at my closed screen door…Getting to the door
I cry, as a hideous site meets my eye, tis a hornet, and nothing mo-HOLY
![]() |
This should never knock on anyone's front door. Ever. |
Never had I seen a hornet that was two inches in size, let
alone one that could KNOCK on my front door like the welcome committee from
hell come to call. “Oh hey, (tap,
tap, tap) heard you were new to the neighborhood, (tap, tap, tap) thought I’d
drop in…” The accompanying shriek
would have done any scream queen proud as the front door was slammed shut and
the locks engaged. Hey, if it
could knock on the door, I wasn’t taking any chances. That evening I set out for our local hardware store, still
in my paint splattered clothes and possibly still a little wild eyed from that
days encounter. No doubt, I
must’ve looked a sight.
The thing about Southerners is that (generally speaking)
they are so unfailingly polite that the clerk at the store’s only reaction to
my story of the hornet from hell (related in a very animated way) and asking if
they had anything in the store to annihilate Satan’s minions, like say, a flame
thrower, was to get me their best hornet spray and offer to swing by after his
shift and help me. Bless his
heart. That offer of help really
galvanized me into putting on my big girl panties and doing battle with the
nasty SOBees myself. Or maybe the
paint fumes had finally gotten to me.
Whichever the case, I wasn’t prepared for how aggressive they were, or
for how they’d repeatedly attack the car trying to sting it as you pull into
the driveway, but many cans of hornet spray later, they’ve decided to take up
residence elsewhere and terrorize someone else.
Since then, I’ve learned that many bugs are bigger in the
South, locals will always have a bit of helpful advice on how best to get rid
of them, and I can get away from a wasp or hornet without running in a crouch
doing my best Moe, Larry and Curly impression…well, most days.
Well, I'd better be buzzing off! Till next time, y’all!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
That's A Wrap: At Home Spa Day of Doom
Pinterest has been both a blessing and a curse to my
life. It’s given me wonderful
recipes, tips and tricks, DIY projects and my favorite – at home beauty
tips. The idea of an at home
spa day is wonderfully appealing to me since it costs far less, and some poor
stranger isn’t subjected to seeing me in nothing but a pair of panties if it’s
a body wrap or scrub I want.
Inevitably, these spa days wait until Sunday, when Bear is at work and
the house is empty, save for myself and the cats. Usually, that’s a good thing since I don’t think a husband
needs to see every single little step of their wife’s upkeep and grooming. (IE: bleaching my eyebrows so they’ll
match my hair – no one needs to see me walking around the house looking like an
Oompa Loompa gone wrong with thick white paste on my brows)
And so it began…my friend Kim had pinned an at home body wrap
which I promptly repined to one of my boards. When she posts beauty stuff, I pay attention because she's easily one of the most beautiful women I know, and she's really smart about all things beauty. Since I’d been fighting a cold all week it seemed only
appropriate that part of Sunday was dedicated to a little pampering. I may not feel physically better but if
I look better, that’s something, right?
I began gathering the ingredients together, and in my usual
pinch of this, dash of that fashion, modified them slightly to accommodate what
we had in the house. Epsom salt is
in the house, but where in the house is a mystery. Amazingly there was a jar of Bentonite clay in my “beauty
box” that I forgot was there.
Huh. Rarely do clay facial
masks not get used up around here, so this is a really lucky find!
I put 2 green tea bags into the water to boil, measured out
the rest of the ingredients, and then poured the boiling green tea into the
clay & added the olive oil and some Geranium essential oil which is
supposed to be good for toning the skin.
So far, so good. It looked
a bit too thick to work with….I’d read where adding some apple cider vinegar to
the clay really helped pull out the impurities, so in it went. Suddenly, I’m greeted with a bubbling,
frothing, hissing mass of angry clay that now smells like very tart
geraniums. Undaunted, the mixing
of this concoction continues. Off
we go to the bathroom, with the clay mixture and a roll of plastic wrap in
hand. The slathering part went
fairly well, and I was feeling pretty good about myself as none of the clay
mixture got on anything but me. (a
minor miracle) After rinsing my
hands, it was time to wrap my newly slathered self in the plastic wrap. The midriff section was deceptively
easy. It lulled me into a false
sense of confidence. That
confidence didn’t falter as I wrapped my hips, it didn’t so much as waiver as I
wrapped around my derrière…it wasn’t until I was attempting to wrap plastic
wrap around my thighs that the thought occurred to me, “Houston, we have a
problem”. My first thought was to
just wrap around both legs together but the thought of hobbling around the
house like the little mermaid didn’t sound appealing so I started wrapping down
one leg, contorting myself to ensure every square slathered inch was
sufficiently wrapped. Then came
the second leg and that’s when I discovered that I couldn’t contort myself
nearly so easily as the first leg and hip were very tightly wrapped, as was my
midriff, and movement was impeded, to say the least. Somehow I managed to wrap the second leg and again was
reminded of the wisdom of doing these sorts of things home alone, as a certain
Bear would have been laughing too hard to be of any assistance to me.
The instructions said to soak tights and a tight top in hot
water to put on over that, but I skipped that step because I didn’t want to be
a soggy mess. Next was to put on
my heaviest pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, to keep the body heat trapped
in. The sweatshirt went on
easily. The pants required more
effort than you’d think – my legs and hips were fairly immobilized by plastic
wrap, which made the whole experience rather akin to dressing a Barbie doll
whose legs don’t bend. Pants on, I
was free to go about the house albeit in a sort of penguin waddle kind of
way. The instructions said to
relax for 45-60 minutes. Lowering
myself onto the couch with a mug of green tea in hand, I felt this…oozing
feeling upon sitting. The feeling
of trying to sit, slathered in goo, bound in plastic is…there’s nothing to compare
it to, really. HGTV makes for a
nice distraction, but about 20 minutes in, I start to notice this…feeling. It’s like my skin is starting to come
to life – in fact, it’s starting to feel like it’s pulsating. My midriff, back, thighs, hips, yes,
even my bottom are pulsating. What
fresh hell is this? It’s not a
pleasant feeling and there’s this niggling thought at the back of my brain to
check the jar of clay, the clay that somehow managed to remain virtually
untouched for two years in my beauty box.
Looking at the jar, I see this:
I’m not sure how I managed to forget that this stuff isn’t
your normal, run of the mill fairly mild facial clay - it actually does exactly
what it says on the jar and makes your skin pulsate and throb like it’s trying
to come OFF your body. Well, mine
couldn’t since it’s encased in plastic but I’m pretty certain if it wasn’t
contained it would. At least the
mystery of why it sat in my box o’ beauty unused for so long was solved. Since the clay was doing what it was
supposed to, I determined to let it do its thing for the full length of time
recommended. HGTV does not
distract nearly enough in times like this, and what’s worse, after another 15
minutes my green tea is gone. Tea
goes right through me, in fact, it’s amazing I didn’t need to tinkle prior to
this but now I’ve really gotta go.
Like, now. Except I’m still
wrapped in plastic and I’m fairly certain that my self imposed mummification
has made it impossible to use the rest room and in all my wisdom I decided to
do this at home with no one to help cut me out of my plastic wrap in a hot hurry. Houdini himself would have been proud
of the speed with which I escaped my plastic shackles.
I wish I could say that this is a rare sort of occurrence in
my life, but the fact is, I often find myself wondering how it is that I manage
to get myself into such “I Love Lucy” esque situations. Sadly, this won’t be the last time I do
this – after finally unwrapping and cleaning off the clay goop, the results
were noticeable enough that we will once again find me covered in clay, wrapped
in plastic, and doing the penguin waddle.
Hey, no one ever said looking good was easy!
Till next time, y’all!
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